Trendy Business Studies-Learner’s Book Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum.It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies and skills,acquisition of knowledge,nurturing of values and formation of positive attitude according to the Social Studies Curriculum Design.
Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity.All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies,skills and the quest to learn and discover.
This coursebook;
- Covers all the specific learning outcomes in the curriculum design.
- Uses teaching and learning resources available in the learner’s immediate environment.
- Mainstreams the core competencies and valuesas well as pertinent and Contemporary Issues.
- Involves parents or guardians in the learning process.
- Utilises digital literacy to give the learner deeper understanding.
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