Love your neighbour Christian Religious Education Grade 9 is developed to meet the requirements of the rationalised Curriculum Design for Christian Religious Education. It has been developed after in-depth research to enable the learner to acquire the specified knowledge, skills, competencies and values and apply them in day-to-day life. It has plenty of activities that stimulate learning while nurturing the learner’s faith and values based on the teachings of the Holy Bible.
This coursebook has the following features:
- Introduction: This section, at the beginning of each sub strand, is presented as a picture study activity that prepares the learner’s inquisitive mind for learning.
- Learning activity presents exciting learning experiences that enable the learner to acquire the specified skills, knowledge and values. The items in each activity are logically presented to appeal to all the domains of learning while catering to different learning styles.
- Points to note section at the end of every Learning activity presents information that enables the learners to confirm their findings after explorative learning.
- Extended activity section provides additional tasks through which learners apply the skills, knowledge, competencies and values acquired in environments outside the classroom