Moran Creative Arts and Sports Grade 9 is a comprehensive coursebook developed in line with the Competency-Based Curriculum for Grade 9 Creative Arts and Sports. It facilitates the development of the required knowledge, skills, competencies, values and attitudes
presented in the Grade 9 Creative Arts and Sports Curriculum Design.
The content in this book is presented in a manner that engage the Grade 9 learner and stimulates their curiosity during the learning process. All activities are carefully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary values and attitudes to explore and apply Creative Arts and Sports skills and concepts in their day-to-day experiences.
Key Highlights of the book:
• Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the Grade 9 Creative Arts and
Sports curriculum design.
• The content is presented interactively and appealingly to engage and stimulate curiosity
in learning
• The coursebook incorporates real-life activities making the learning process more
relatable and relevant
• Has a variety of practice exercises and hands-on activities to help the learners master
the concepts
• Incorporates digital literacy to enhance the learning experience.
Master the concept and hone your skills with the Grade 9 Creative Arts and Sports Coursebook!